Buteyko Breathing Retaining
The Buteyko Institute Method (BIM) teaches people to correct the “automatic” breathing mechanism in the brain so it comes back closer to normal, gentle, nasal, day or night, awake or asleep. This results in immediate improvement in asthma, sleep apnoea, snoring, emphysema, COAD, COPD, sinusitis, hay fever, rhinitis, blocked nose, allergies, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, panic and anxiety conditions, and many other respiratory problems.
When breathing is corrected, people report:
- reduction in asthma symptoms & in the need for reliever medication
- unblocking of the nose and sinuses
- restoration of nasal breathing
- reduction or elimination of snoring and apnoea
- reduction in mucus production and allergic rhinitis and sinusitis
- Improved ability to cope with stress
- The immune system is improved, less colds and flu, with ability to recover quickly
- Improvement in skin conditions such as itchy, dry skin or eczema
- Headaches and migraines are significantly reduced or eliminated
- Reduction in anxiety or panic attacks
- Thinking and concentration levels are improved
- change in tongue position and occlusion
- stability to orthodontic work
- decrease in size of tonsils adenoids and polyps
- increased stamina and energy levels
- enhanced capacity for exercise and improved recovery rate
- reduction in Restless legs, Dry mouth, teeth grinding, leg cramps & reflux
Effective – over 90% of course participants come off all asthma reliever medications within one week (medical trial results published in MJA Dec 1998). Over 60% reduction in snoring volume and subsequent improvements in sleep quality within one week.
Safe – the BIBH follows international best practice asthma medication guidelines.
Scientifically based – based on the standard medical principles of respiration, the normalisation of breathing and the Bohr Effect.
Who does the Butekyo Institute method help?
The BIM is suitable for children from 3 years of age and adults of any age. It is effective for people with all types and degrees of severity of asthma and sleep disorders, as well as people with other respiratory disorders such as, COAD, COPD, sinusitis, hay fever, rhinitis, blocked nose, allergies, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, panic and anxiety conditions.
Quality of Life
Every year many people with asthma and sleep disorders suffer respiratory infections, sore throats, physical incapacity, fatigue, time off work or school with a poor quality of life, ongoing financial expense and a deteriorating condition. Learning the BIM provides people with the knowledge and skills to get back their health and gain more control of their life.
Thousands of people put up with these conditions. No one needs to. Most medications and treatments result in people becoming “customers” for life.
How do you learn the Buteyko Institute method?
The Buteyko Institute Method is taught in courses consisting of five sessions of 2hr. Clients are taught how to retrain their breathing to enable them to breathe correctly when sleeping, exercising, speaking, eating, and performing all daily activities. Improvement usually occurs within the first 24 hours. Once the breathing is corrected it is not difficult to maintain.
If your are interested in learning more or booking in for a course in your area, please contact one of the following BIBH registered Buteyko practicioners –
Buteyko Health
Contact Brian Firth – 0413 482 765
Brian is based in Brisbane, his main practice are courses in Brisbane and Perth, and regularly runs courses in ACT, SE Qld and Regional centres particularly Nth Qld and NSW.
Buteyko Health & Breathing Pty Ltd
Contact Paul O’Connell – 0411 225 731
Paul is based in Melbourne and regularly runs coarses in VIC, SA, QLD, TAS and NSW.